Well, You are here .. because you wanted to
know more about me !!
Well I was born in Kalispell, Montana!
One of the prettiest place in the USA ..
the Northwest Corner .. a sportsman paradise!
My parents were Kermit and Martha Anderson
so I was.... Vicki Anderson! I have one older brother
I had one older sister and I have one younger brother
We moved ALOT .. and below .. you will see all
the places we lived ... but for the last 20 years
I have lived in Richland, Washington!
In the desert .. YES .. the desert!!!
Most people do not believe that there is a desert
in Washington State .. The Evergreen State!
but tis true !!!!
I have three beautiful daughters .. of which the oldest
one is pictured over there to the left with me..
when we visited Norway in 1999!
and I love each of them .. they are unique
and special in their own ways and have
always been a source of pleasure for me!
I also have 8 grandchildren .. and two new ones will
be born this summer
And they are as precious as they come!!
Each one .. unique and processing great
character traits! They each hold my heart!
My family is very important to me .. and I didn't
realize how important they were to me .. until just this
past winter ... and I know now .. that I want to live
close enough .. to always be in their lives .. as
as possible .. Family is so very important!!
I love the four seasons with Spring and Fall
being my most favorite!! I like to VISIT snow (haha)
and I can't take the heat ..in the summer so I like to
where it is not real hot ... and here in Richland ..
summers can be very hot .. so someday
I hope to move to some mountain area
where they do not have lots and lots of snow
and yet .. is still green and pretty!!!
I enjoy all kinds of things .. but mostly I enjoy
making others happy ..because when they are happy
I find that it usually makes everyone happy,
including me !!!
I graduated from Walla Walla High School
and got married the next summer ..
my first marriage did not last too long
I was too immature and too foolish
to take it seriously ....... so by the time
I paid for my divorce .. I had already decided to
marry my second husband .. and we shared many
years together .. but due to lack of communication
somewhere along the way .. we grew apart.. not doing
things together .. not communicating ... and then with
some of life's everyday problems .. and a few years ..
I decided that I wanted to be able to love someone
that I would spend the rest of my life with .. and
my husband agreed .. by this time ... we had discovered
that we are just really good friends ... I care about
and what happens to him ... and he does the same for
but .... we both want to find someone to love .. that
we can grow old with...
Well ... that is enough of the very personal stuff ...
so ...
from here on ... it will be more fun !!!
Below you will also find a few pictures that I have chosen
to share with you ... so I hope you will enjoy !!!
I must tell you .... here ... that the one constant in
my life
is JESUS ... I don't think I could have gotten through
the last 15 years with out HIM .. HE has given more
peace of mind .. love .. and encouragement
then I would have received from any one else ..
so To HIM I give my life ... and although I fall
and need help almost daily ... HE always sees me through!
I am a terrible romantic ... as you probably can tell
by reading my pages!! My Mother used to tell me
that I was in love with love and sometimes
I think that is true ... but I do know what I am looking
and I do know how I want to be treated
and some day ..some where .. I will find that person
who feels the same way I do !!
Well, I think I have probably bored you enough .. if you
even read this far !!!! ... I wish you great happiness
in your life .. if more people were happy, I think
there would be less crime and hate in the world!
And if through my pages .. I can bring a smile .. make
someone's heart feel loved .. give support,
encouragement, uplift someone's spirits,
help them to express how they feel about their
loved ones .......... .THEN ..I am happy !!!!