This is a poem I wrote for my stepdad this past Christmas.
He is truly one of a kind
You hear little children ask
all too often, "Why this, and why that?"
But you hardly ever hear,
"Why did God make Dads?"
God made Dads to listen
when a small child asks "why?"
and wisdom to think it over,
before he gives his reply.
As a small child gets older
You still hear the question, "why?"
And God made Dads to answer.....
Because I said so, that's why!"
Why did God make Dads?
And how did He find the time?
To make the most perfect one,
That He gave to me, to call mine!!!
I Love You, Dad!!!
Written for: Dad
Written by: Lori Brewer
Christmas 2002.
this was written for my stepdad, but he is "DAD"
in every sense of the word!!
COMMENTS: sent TO Lori