A knock came weakly at the door, I'm in no mood
to let him in.
Or anyone for Heaven Sake. Who dares to knock
when it's so late?
With anger did I wrench the door, and there
before me stood a man.
So tattered, torn and woe galore...A traveler
from a distant land.
‘A crust of bread? Madam" he said. A small piece
for hungers pang.
‘Please, lovely miss, for such as this, A crust
of bread is all I need.
Against my judgement I did stare and wondered at
this stranger there
And bade him in from icy wind and warmed him by
the fire's flare.
‘"Tis just a crust you so desire?" My heart felt
warmed by his kind
"‘I'll give you loaves if you so care. I'll give
you two for I have
Then wondrous magic I beheld as rags turned into
riches there.
And brilliant light surrounded us. I held my
breath, I knelt in prayer.
""You did not turn me from your door. You brought
me in and kept me warm
I give to you ‘my' crust of bread-this body, and
this blood I shed."
He placed the bread upon my tongue and sweetness
flowed for I was free.
He said in words that echo still. "Do this..to
remember Me."
Many years have passed me by and I am old and
idle now.
But always do I wait and pray for strangers to
come at my door.
To share this tale and offer them a crust of
bread from meager fare
For I have riches, far beyond mere silver, gold
or jewels to wear.
I have the Savior's bread and Word to guide me
into Heaven's bed.
And all I gave was oh, so small! A crust of
bread, a crust of bread...
My darling daughter,
Recently I came across a diary of yours, written
when you were nine.
Curiosity got the better of me and and I opened
it. I read your goals
and amongst the ten most important ones, like
diving from the tallest
board and being the best roller skater in the
city, stood one little
goal that was too incredible- too unbelievable
for me to take in. The
goal was, “to make mom happy.”
I shook my head in disbelief as I read this.
When did I burden your
nine year old spirit with this overwhelming task?
Was I even aware of
I don’t think so, as I would have told you that
you made me happy every
day of my life. My first thoughts in the morning
were of you. When I got
home from work I couldn’t wait to see your pixie
face and your little
braids, all mussed up from a hard day at school
and play. The one thing
I looked forward to all day long was sitting down
and talking to you and
finding out what your day was like. You kept my
spirit alive, my mind
challenged and my body active. You were, and
still are the light of my
When I went to bed at night I would ask God to
be beside you, for as a
working, single mother, I couldn’t always do
that. While it was true
that I was a lonely person sometimes, I was
always happy that I had my
little girl to hold and cherish. You were my
I sometimes ask God why he gave me such a special
gift. Without you, my
life would have been a void. Yet you held that
terrible responsibility
that it was you who had to make me happy- and you
never said a word.
If only I had known! So I will tell you now
what’s in my heart.
I never needed any other children, for you gave
me the love of
thousands of them. You made me happy every day of
my life and you
continue to do so.
You are a mother now, with a child of your own.
When she is growing,
tell her how happy she makes you. Try not to make
the mistake that I
somehow did and burden her with a responsibly
that is far beyond her
Sometimes we forget to say the words that is in
our hearts. These words
can be so very precious to a child. They can make
a world of difference
in their outlook of things. Sometimes, it’s not
the things we ‘do’ say
but what we ‘don’t’ that counts. We tend to
overlook that.
You are my joy in life, my little one. You always
have been, and you
always will be. Never forget that, and tell that
to the little child
inside you. Remind her that she was the most
important and joyful thing
that ever happened to this humble woman! I love
you, dearest daughter.