I'm having to write
this from so far away,
but I'm not sure how you would
receive it.
Because where you are, it can't
be mailed,
but somehow, I know you will
read it.
It's been 18 long years since
you went away,
too long for a daughter to be
That's the way I feel from time
to time,
especially when I'm thinking
about you.
Are there roses growing in Heaven,
And sunshine to brighten your
Are your streets there paved
with pure gold,
that sparkle with the light
of the sun's rays?
I know you are no longer suffering
with pain,
and Jesus wiped away all your
You've always been a brave man,
to me Daddy,
but I know Jesus took away all
your fears.
Well, I better go for now, so
much to do,
I love and miss you with all
my heart.
Take care of yourself till I
see you again,
and we can make a brand new
P.S. Pick a rose for me!!
This is a poem I wrote a few
years ago.
My father died July 2nd 1981.
I was just 18 years old.
If you have one that
you would like to share with the world..
please .. ..
me to day !!! THANKS!
This site is created and maintained by
Vicki Russell © 2000