Pages written by YOU .. who make up the world!

Maintained and created by Vicki Russell


Waves gently lap against me
Waves crash and tear at me
I am strong and sturdy
I am flexible and bend

My roots are buried deep
in the soil that is rich
sweet to taste

winds batter my trunk
winds caress me with love
twisted and knotted

Hard and built through the
trials and tests of time
much has passed before these
eyes,  stored within my solid embrace

tethered to a chain
corded to heavy rusty metal
my ability to dive deep is
changeable yet do not
fear the depths to which
I journey, for they are
well traversed through time

who am I?

I am the port in the storm
the port of call on a day of beauty
I am the oak tree steady and strong
I am the willow able to bend

I am the rock
I am the anchor
I am a holder of many keys
I am wise

I am vulnerable
I am weak
I am breakable
I am tenacious
I am a keeper of tales

 I am all of these things
I am none of them
I am more than them
I am less than them
I am a place to stop where
 rest and comfort can be found

Writtten By & Property of: WizePoet (Frances C.


River Speak

I am the door that opens
as you seek to begin a
new portion of your journey

I am the door that closes
as you seek to end
the portion of your journey
that is complete

I am the wind that blows
gentle and steady
bringing change
feeding the flames
of your tender soul

I am the River that you
see as you stand upon my
banks gazing into the universe

I am the water that flows
feeding new life
feeding your soul
feeding your heart
filling your mind with
the beauty of the journey
that was
that will be

I am the universe
hear my call and
test no longer the river
enter with the grace
and diginity that is yours
by right of birth
yours and all that inhabit

come to me daughter
ride my waves
fight my currents

come to me my daughter
our journey is far from
over, come to me my
daughter and know my love
for you burns eternal.

Writtten By & Property of: WizePoet (Frances C.


Poems and Proses submitted by the INTERNET COMMUNITY
to be shared with the World!!!

If you have one that you would like to share with the world..
please .. .. me to day !!! THANKS!

This site is created and maintained by
Vicki Russell © 2000


or ...... to the NEXT Collection of Poems by the INTERNET Community NEXT .. Dear Daddy by Lori

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